FreedomPay FCC Troubleshooter

FreedomPay FCC Troubleshooter

Basic Troubleshooting

Common Resolutions

Here are some common resolutions for payment issues:

  • Reset the PED Device

  • Reboot the Kiosk

  • Check your card type is supported by the kiosk

Basic Questions

The majority of issues are resolved with a few basic questions:

  • Is the PED connected to the Kiosk and powered on?

    • Is the PED displaying the correct splash screen?

  • Is the Freeway Client and Freeway Server service running on the Kiosk?

Resetting the PED

  • Make sure the PED is turned on

  • Press the yellow cancel key and # key together for three seconds

  • The PED will reboot, please wait until it displays it’s notmal screen before continuing

Kiosk UI Errors







Payment Device - The card reader seems to be offline



Card reader busy

The PED got stuck in a previous transaction: the client was waiting for a response from the server and it never got it. As a result of its waiting state, subsequent transactions cannot happen.

  • Reset the PED Device

Reboot the Kiosk

Escalate an issue to FreedomPay

  • Contact FreedomPay with the following information StoreID, TerminalID, RequestID, MerchantReferenceCode, as well as any other information that would be relevant.

Production Support Issues:
Email: techsupport@freedompay.com
Phone: 888-495-2446

  • How FreedomPay logs can be obtained in the event that FreedomPay requests them?

    • Navigate to C:\ProgramData\FreedomPay\Freeway Commerce Connect\logs

    • Both Server and Client logs are located there. Retention is set to 30 days by default