The dashboard is the core management tool for your venue - it allows you to change your venue settings, alter your services and opening hours, edit menus, create promotions and much more!

To access your dashboard, go to and log in, using the account created through our dashboard invite email. The email is from

Brief Overview

Once you have completed the initial setup and testing, and have switched your venue to ‘Live’, the Demo mode will no longer be available. See more about the different statuses here: System Status

In general, a venue should be online at all times, with the venue opening hours and service hours being used to control service availability. Once you are live, offline mode should only be used while making changes to the venue’s configuration, such as enabling new services, changing outlets or other changes that might affect the customer’s ordering process. Offline mode prevents users from viewing the menu or placing orders:

Configuration changes should be made outside service hours, whenever possible.

Dashboard guides & information