Auto reject order

This new feature allows customers to set a time for services that will auto-reject orders after a specific amount of time.

If an order has been sitting in pending state for a specific amount of time, the order will automatically be cancelled after the time set.

To have this feature enabled please email

Once you have had this feature enabled you can then set the specific times. Please note that the timer should be configured at a venue level.

Adding the feature to your venue

To add this feature please follow the steps below after logging in to your dashboard.

  • Navigate to venue settings and select services-

  • Once in services you can set the auto reject time by selecting ‘Manually accept orders’ and inputting the amount of time (you can set this up for each service you have, collection, delivery etc.)-

If you leave this blank orders will not be automatically rejected.


You will then be able to view these rejected orders in History on your dashboard -

Customers who have had their orders rejected will receive a notification email.

See image of email that is sent to customers below (this is with a 2 minute rejection time)-