Toggle is a Gift Card platform that allows operators to sell and manage gift cards. It is owned by Airship, a CRM provider. Our Toggle integration allows users to query their wallet value and then spend that wallet value on your restaurant order.

Integration is for QikPay and Web ordering with UPP.

Getting started

To have Toggle Integrated with your QikServe platform if you are already a Toggle customer, we will require an API username and Password. Please have the Toggle Support team get in touch with your CS manager here at QikServe.

If you are not but you wish to use the Toggle integration please fill in this very simple form on the Toggle website . This will then start up your journey to selling gift cards and being able to integrate with QikServe for your gift cards to be used in orders. Once you are a member you can then request with Toggle to get in touch with us at QikServe.

Please note there is no additional charge from QikServe but you will need to discuss fees with your Toggle representative.

User journey

Once the integration has been set and is ready to use, the users will be able to fully or part-pay their bill with a Toggle gift card.

The email address is used to send a payment receipt.



